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Chapter Heading

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For we have thought the larger thoughts    And gone the shorter way.And we have danced to devil’s tunes,    Shivering home to pray;To serve one master in the night,    Another in the day.


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He tried to spit out the truth;Dry-mouthed at first,He drooled and slobbered in the end;Truth dribbling his chin.

Advice To A Son

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Never trust a white man,Never kill a Jew,Never sign a contract,Never rent a pew.Don’t enlist in armies;Nor marry many wives;Never write for magazines;Never scratch your hives.Always put paper on the…


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If my Valentine you won’t be,I’ll hang myself on your Christmas tree.

Blank Verse

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”                        “      !            :                  ,                .              ,            ,            ,                .      ,              ;                              !                    ,

“All armies are the same . . .”

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All armies are the samePublicity is fameArtillery makes the same old noiseValor is an attribute of boysOld soldiers all have tired eyesAll soldiers hear the same old liesDead bodies always…